peristiwa sepanjang 2013
kali ini tergerak hati aku untuk bercerita aktiviti2 dan juga peristiwa2 penting yg terjadi sepanjang thun 2013 ni. Seprti yg terlihat blog ni dah lame sgt terabai. Yup coz im not writer. Me selalu kematian idea bab2 nk sharing or tulis something yg berkaitan nga hidup. Men prefer bersembang n talk about it personally. Okey seperti yg kelihatan. I'm still not married.Huwaa. N im not even bother about's not because im dont wanna's just im still have alots of thing in my life that i should settle it down first...yup my mommy keep bothering me with same question everytime im going home, such as.."Mg ni bile nak kawen? n bla2" seperti biase selalu dgn jawapan yg sama "Next year, next year and next year"...huahuahua...cara nk
melepaskan diri.
okey, actually thun ni banyak peristiwa happen to me, but not a big event. This year, I'm finally succeeding in finishing my master study. Ya Allah aku bersyukur padaMu and Alhamdulillah.. Im starting to send my final draft at the end of January this year and I'm getting my VIVA at the end of March.First im target to graduate in April (we called it small convocation) but unfortunately im didn't manage it and finally im graduated on September (Big convocation).ALHAMDULILLAH. I have Master Degree now.
Be4 nak graduate tu mestilah terkapai2 mencari kerje rite?because i was like uolls. I need money to continue my life since I have learned to be independent since im little and im starting to find and use my own money since im in Matriculation.Alhamdulillah. tpi tu semua jase duet biasiswa dan juga ptptn.puii..hehehehe.but seriously, sejak ade wang sendiri mmg aku xmintak dgn parent dah duet tu semua.Pandai2 lah aku nk hidup kn.Dan adalah bebrapa kerja yg dilakukan oleh aku pada thun ni.thun ni lebih kepada mencri apa erti sebanar hidup.Thun lepas pula proses belajar merangkak2. Allah dah baling batu baru nk tersedar. Semasa Allah memberikan kesenangan, Aku alpha.Tpi inilah resepi sebuah kehidupan kan.
okey habis membebel. okey untuk next entry aku akn share apa yg aku buat sepanjang thun ni secara satu persatu.cerita pjg2 kt sini borink ple kn.heei.
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